24 stycznia 2018

Polish Catholics defend Christ’s teaching! Petition has already been signed by over 130 000 people

Over fifty thousand Polish Catholics have already supported an initiative of Polonia Semper Fidelis – and the number of signatories of its petition to the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference is still increasing! It is still possible to join the circle of defenders of Christ’s teaching.


The campaign launched by Polonia Semper Fidelis is a consequence of liberal interpretations of the apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia that appeared in some countries. Some solutions adopted e.g. in Germany allow people living in the state of mortal sin to receive Holy Communion without the necessity of changing their lives and going to confession. According to the constant teaching of the Church receiving the Holy Eucharist this way is sacrilegious and thus another very grave sin.

Wesprzyj nas już teraz!


In order not to spread the German errors in the Church in Poland the faithful ask their Polish bishops to confirm the Catholic doctrine on the indissolubility of marriage. The letter addressed to President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Abp. Stanisław Gądecki has already been signed by over 130 000 Polish people.


It is still possible to join the circle of Poles faithful to Christ’s teaching on marriage and the family which for centuries have been confirmed by successive popes, including our countryman St. John Paul II. In order to do it and sign the petition as part of the campaign organized by Polonia Semper Fidelis, please click here:








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